Saturday, May 9, 2009

May 9, 2009

First off, let me tell you how today was so posed to go...I was going to get up, run a few errands (pick up a Mother's Day gift, go to the grocery store, redeem my free panty at V.S.) and then go to church with my mother. Let me tell you how today really went. After waking up at 12:30a.m. with the most severe pain in my lower abdomen. I tried to go to the guest bathroom across the living room to get some medicine. Needless to say, with pain at a 10/10 I ended up in a ball on the living room floor (home alone, Chad works nights) screaming and crying. I broke out in a sweat and became nauseous, thinking at this point, do I call Chad, the doctor on call, or EMS. Well, being the stubborn woman that I am, I decide to do neither, instead after lying there a few minutes I crawl back to bed and manage to rock myself to sleep in a ball (impressive being that I'm still sleeping on my back since the mastectomy). Around 6:00a.m. I have another episode not nearly as severe. So this morning I decided that being this miserable was not normal, and called the fertility doctor on-call. Apparently he didn't think it was all that normal either and told me I could come in to the office or go to the emergency room...a half an hour later I'm on my way to the doctors office. After multiple blood pressure reading come back high, and my heart rate stays elevated, she does an ultrasound. She was so excited, a medical miracle, she's never seen ovaries so large...great! She also sees some fluid in my belly. The doctor told me my symptoms were classic ovarian torsion symptoms (that means that your ovary twist, and if it doesn't resolve itself it requires emergency surgery to either untwist it or remove the ovary due to tissue death). So my trip to the doctors office to save me the visit to the emergency room turns into a visit to the emergency room, what a time saver (sense the sarcasm)! So off to the E.R. I go. Two I.V. sticks and a bruise later I go for another ultrasound. This technician is also very impressed. Each cyst in my ovaries measure the size of what a normal ovary should be. One ovary measured 14cm and the other ovary measured 13cm. They also said I had alot of fluid (blood) in my belly, however my labs did not indicate anemia or severe blood lose. Bottom line diagnosis: I either have been very lucky and have had ovarian torsion that resolved itself, or I have so much fluid in my belly, that it settles at night while lying flat, and when I sit up it all shifts and thus causes severe pain. The good news is (I'm always trying to be positive) I don't have to have my belly tapped (sticking a needle in to drain the fluid), or have surgery. Basically today SUCKED! I was sent home with my billionth pain med prescription (that I refuse to take due to severe constipation) and get to wait for my ovaries to decrease in size over the next few weeks and for my body to reabsorb the fluid. Just another fun day in the wonderful world of cancer!


  1. Can't believe it! If ever there is a trooper in this it is YOU!!!! Hang in there and try to keep up beat, I know it's hard sometimes but that is what will get you through all of this and GODS LOVE!!!!
    Love you both,

  2. OH my, Alicia, that sounds HORRIBLE! I have had small ovarian cysts for a long time and they are painful enough! I'm praying for you, friend. I hope that you are able to get some good REST tonight.
