Sunday, April 5, 2009

April 5, 2009

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!!! Chad and I are absolutely amazed at the response to our 'Boobie BonVoyage'. Thanks to every one's support and contributions we raised approximately $, that wasn't a typo! More than 200 people came and partied with us! Thank you to everyone for being so generous at such a hard time in our economy, we are so appreciative! Thank you to our friends that helped plan and execute this amazing night, we love you so much! Also thank you to everyone who has sent encouraging cards and donations, they really help lift up Chad and I.
So, I know I haven't written in a few days. I have literally been running from the crack of dawn til the wee hours at night. I'm trying to cram as much fun stuff in as possible before life takes a break for a while. There are benefits to this as well, I don't give myself time to sit around and feel sorry for myself. Things have been going really well. Tomorrow we meet with the genetic counselor. We will find out if I am positive for the BRCA1, BRCA2 gene mutation, which means the cancer is hereditary. I'm really anxious to find out, it will have a huge effect on my and my families future. I hope everything comes back negative.
I've been sleeping pretty well the past week, but I have a feeling that the good times are over. My nerves are starting to kick in, there is alot to think about going into Tuesday's surgery. I started packing my hospital bag today. Basically the only things in there are new button down pajamas (I won't be able to pull anything over my head for a while. No lifting my arms above my head), underclothes and a toothbrush. Oh, and my slippers!
I bought my first scarf last week. I haven't decided if I am going to go the wig route. I'm looking forward to the low maintenance look. Hey, if bald works for Chad, I'm sure I can pull it off! We'll be such a cute pair.
It's almost midnight, so I guess it is T-minus ONE day til my surgery. We plan on bringing our computer up to the hospital so we can keep everyone up dated. If I can't blog, Chad will step in. Which leads me to my last point... Chad, Thank you for standing by my side from the very beginning! I could not be as strong as I am without you. For better or worse, in sickness or are my rock!!! I LOVE YOU


  1. Alicia!! I am so proud of you, you are amazing!! The party was fun. I am praying for you and I know you are in great hands for tomorrow, anxious to hear how it goes.....

  2. Hi Alicia,

    I am glad your Boobie BonVoyage was a success. Wish I could have come. I will be thinking of you tomorrow and will have you and Chad in my prayers. I am confident all will go well.

    Love, Chris

  3. Alicia
    Well the big day is tomorrow and I know you are in good hands---GODS hands and I know he will be guiding DR. J's hands as he did when I had my surgery. DR. J's the greatest and really knows what he's doing. I will be thinking of you and of course Chad and my prayers are with you.
    Love you both!!!!!!
    Helen A.

  4. Alicia, Thinking of you this morning and lifting you up in our prayers. We are confdent that God's arms are wrapped around you and sustaining you today. We've got Chad covered in prayer as well. Bless you my friend!

    Debbie and Bill P.
