Wednesday, April 8, 2009

April 8, 2009

I'm alive! I'll make this entry short and sweet beause I'm in alot of pain. Surgery was longer than expected. We initally were told it would take 3 hours, but I was in surgery for 5 and a half hours. I don't think I was prepared for the pain I am having. I've been up a few times to walk, and I'm not nauseous anymore. I had a rough night last night, getting up and down by myself, due to not getting any help from the nursing staff. I felt like they just put me in a room and left me there. They even forgot to give me my medication through the night. Pretty sad. I woke up the next morning in extreme pain, a 25 on a 10 scale, due to the lack of medication and having to pull myself out of bed, unplug the cord from the wall outlet to the IV pole, and take off the leg circulation machine just to go pee 5 times through the night. Today has been better. The nursing staff through the daytime has been great. They caught my pain medication up to a point where it is now tolerable. I complained to the nursing manager about the night nursing staff, and she said that it is unacceptable and she assigned me another nurse. The hospital actually sent me flowers to try and make me feel better. That was very nice of them, but it doesn't take the pain away. I am supposed to go home tomorrow and I will try and update again then. I am still waiting for my pathology results to come back. I should hear something by no later than Friday and as soon as tomorrow afternoon. Thanks for all of your prayers.


  1. I am so sorry you had bad nurses at night! I hope they got better. You are constantly in my prayers oh and Chad too. You are an inspiration to us all! Love Nancye

  2. Prayers are answered:):):):):) It will be a lot better when you are home. So glad Chad will be with you for some of your recoup. time. You are such a trooper--keep that wonderful smile and FAITH. Each day gets a wee bit better. Kaya can't wait for Murphy to come over and play--so far just nose to nose.
    Thoughts and prayers--Love you both!!!!! Helen A.

  3. Hey Girl- I am so excited about the good news from surgery!! No positive nodes, YYIIPPEEE!! I wish I were in Louisville because I could have been your nurse and I know I would have been better than the ones you had last night. Hang in there and I will call you when I get back in town. I hope you liked Eli!!
    Love you!
    Lindsey P

  4. What an ordeal! I'm sorry to hear that you were not cared for properly following the surgery. That is simply not acceptable!! You showed your true colors, though.... not letting anything stop you and moving forward with or withough assistance. This is what will help you combat this now and in the future! Sending lots of love and warm thoughts your way.

    ~Claire and the boys

  5. Hey it's Amber, just wanted to say hi. Can't wait until you get better and come and push Jen and I to get our lazy butts on our bikes and ride like the wind with you.

    Talk to you soon!!!! :)
