Friday, June 5, 2009

June 5, 2009

Today was the day! We shaved my head bright and early this morning. When I woke up there was hair all over my pillow and it was coming out in handfuls. It was time. Everything went well. It was a beautiful day, so we did it outside. Tricia buzzed my hair into a mohawk and I rocked that for a few minutes then Chad did the honors and shaved the rest off. It definitely wasn't a sad or somber morning, we had alot of fun with it.
After the 'hair appointment' Tricia and the boys (Evan and Ryan), Dad, Chad and I went to the fire house so the boys could run around and see the fire trucks. They had soooo much fun. Ryan was bouncing around with excitement. Then we went to lunch. I was sporting a scarf on my head most of the day. When Chad and I went home he helped me shave the rest of the stubble off with a razor. Thank God for that because the stubble was falling out just as bad as my hair was and it was making quite the mess.
Now it's off to the Breast Cancer Retreat Weekend. I'm really looking forward to that. I'm going bald, no scarf or wig. (I'm taking some scarfs with me for tomorrow). BALD IS THE NEW BEAUTIFUL!
I've had a great day!

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