Thursday, June 4, 2009

June 4, 2009

YEA! YIPPIE! WOOO HOOO! I went to spin class tonight and it was awesome. I love the fellowship and hanging out with my spin friends. I felt strong and healthy tonight, like everything was 'normal'. Oh, how I miss the bike. It made me wish I could ride everyday. I'll take what I can get, I know that I won't always feel up to riding while I'm going through chemo, but man did it feel good.
So, I know everyone is dying to know........YES, my hair is falling out. I don't have bald patches, but I can't run my fingers through my hair without a bunch of hairs falling out. It doesn't matter how many times I run my fingers through, the hair just keeps coming out. I guess if I did it enough I wouldn't have to shave my head, but that's just what I plan to do. Yep, tomorrow morning, buzzzzzzz, we're getting out the clippers. The way I see it I have two options. First option is to let my hair keep falling out. I already find it annoying and it's just going to keep getting worse. I'll be walking around looking mangy with bald spots, not too pretty! Or I could go ahead and shave it. At this point I thing it pretty obvious my hair is falling out. If I shave it, I don't have to go through the hassle. I'm in control. Let's just get this part over with. I feel like everything in this journey has been a waiting game. Wait for test results, wait for the surgery date, wait to feel better, wait for chemo to kick in, enough already, I waited for my hair to fall out and it has, do I really need to wait for it ALL to fall out?! With all that being said, I'm not too worried about it. I'm not worried about being bald, my hair and I don't have an emotional connection. To be honest with you, most of the time I hate it. It takes too long to dry and fix in the morning, and no matter how hard I try, it always looks like I'm having a bad hair day.
As usual, I will post pictures of the big event. My sister is going to do the honors (she buzzed my Moms hair when hers started to fall out, kind of a sick family tradition), but Chad and my Mom and Dad will be there too. See you on the other side.

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