Saturday, July 4, 2009

July 4, 2009

YEA!!!!!!! I'm half way done with chemo!!!!! Thursday was my third chemo treatment. I decided to give Chad a break this time. He's been so supportive and has gone to the other treatments and appointments even though he works nights and is usually tired as a dog. So this time I asked my friend Cristy to go with me so he could sleep. It was really nice having her there, thanks Cristy! Not only did we talk and have a good time, she didn't fall asleep, LOL!
So I guess everyone wants to know if I had another reaction...not really. I started to, but they caught it in time and were able to advert it (only my face got red and started to tingle).
My chemo symptoms hit a little quicker this time around, when I got up Friday morning I was already nauseous (I was already off Friday due to the Fourth of July holiday) so I laid in bed til about 10am. I tried to run some errands and then spent some time with my sister and the kids. Even when you don't feel good, family always makes you smile!
So, today is July 4th. Thankfully my neighbors are having a little get together in the court so I don't have to go anywhere today and can come in to relax whenever I need. I plan on taking it easy today. Tomorrow I am planning on going to Cincinnati to visit Chad's aunt and uncle who are having a Fourth of July/birthday party. I hope I feel good for the trip, there is nothing worse than being away from home and feeling sick.
Sorry this was such a lame blog, I'm a little tired and nauseous, I think it is nap time.
(Oh, and I haven't forgot about the wig pictures, maybe I'll try to get those together this afernoon)


  1. My husband is 42 and has lung cancer. I completely sympothize with you! I can't even imagine only being 27. I will keep you in my prayers!
    God Bless! Lee

  2. Congrats at being half way done with chemo!!
