Thursday, June 18, 2009

June 18, 2009

What an interesting day. I had my massage this morning, ohhhh it was nice. I miss being able to lay on my stomach (can't do that due to the expanders) but it still felt great! When I was leaving the hospital it started to storm. That storm was ridiculous! The skies turned black, it was pouring down so hard there was flooding, and the lightning was out of control. One of our neighbors' house (two houses down) was struck by lighting and caught fire. Today after work I finally got to go see one of the women from the retreat who had surgery. She has had a very rough week, she's already had three surgeries since Monday and has to go back into surgery tomorrow. Please keep her in your prayers. There are too many young women diagnosed with cancer and faced with life changing decisions. I feel blessed that there are groups that help us connect and support each other.
The chemo symptoms are starting to improve, or should I say change, so I'm happy about that. I've resigned to the fact that I'm gonna have bowel problems til chemo is over. Basically besides the heartburn, my mouth and taste (my tastebuds are fried!), everything is going well. Tomorrow I have my blood counts drawn, so we'll see how low those are. I've not gotten sick so that's a good sign. The nurses said last time that even if there low, if your body can rebound and you don't get sick it's not that big of a problem. When I had my labs drawn before chemo last week they said they had really improved, Yeah me!
Did I mention that my husband has been a trooper through all of this? Props to my husband and family for sticking by my side! Thanks for all your support!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to see that you are taking advantage of these silver lining opportunities! I found an ad in a magazine about a program for women going through cancer treatment. It's sponsored by the American Cancer Society. They have a workshop where they teach you beauty secrets and they give away make-up! If you're interested there's a web site and phone number. 1-800-396-LOOK (5665)
    You are beautiful just they way you are, but who doesn't want free swag?!

    Thanks for posting, I love being able to keep up with you. Big hugs and lots of love to you and Chad.
